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New Orleans


HotelTonight – Uptown New Orleans Hotels

There's a mystical quality to New Orleans that's difficult to describe fully. Its ingredients include its innate beauty, unique architecture, incredibly friendly people and unmatched cuisine, among many other things. I had been to New Orleans many times in the past, and I had always enjoyed myself immensely. What I had never done until my most recent trip was explore New Orleans on a deeper level. I always wanted to know what it was like to live there. I was always curious about what it was about this wondrous place that contributed to the happiness and kindness of its residents. I was going to try to answer those questions by exploring the neighborhoods of New Orleans one at a time. My first choice was the Uptown District. I had heard quite a bit about it but had never spent any real time there. I was confident that I'd have a good idea on things by the time my day there was over. I was also completely sure that I'd find an Uptown New Orleans hotel room as soon as I needed one that night, as I travel with the HotelTonight app.

The Feel

New Orleans is a big city. It has its own unique flair, of course, but in many ways it also has the same buzz and bustle of other large American cities. There are crowded highways. There are busy business districts and high-rises. All of that seems to disappear when you venture into the Uptown District. This is a largely residential area, but those residences have been maintained impeccably and the entire area is one the feels almost like its own small town. You won't be listening to a lot of traffic here or watching people hustle from meeting to meeting.

The Redevelopment

Closer to the river, there is an entire community of shotgun houses that, unlike many of the larger estates in the area, had fallen into a state of disrepair. It was encouraging to see that quite a few of these homes either had just been or were in the process of being refurbished. It's always encouraging to see a neighborhood come back to life, even one that never really suffered too badly. Uptown New Orleans is beautiful in part because it's been well maintained, and that effort continues with the shotgun homes in the community.

The Dining

I'm always ready for dinner in New Orleans. Every part of New Orleans I've seen is filled with great places to eat. The Uptown District is no different. Someone told me about a French place that had been there for a long time. I went over there for dinner and immediately realized that this was an establishment that had earned its strong reputation. The chicken cordon bleu was amazing, as the seasoning was just right, cheese melted perfectly and sauce was a great compliment to the entire meal.

HotelTonight – Uptown New Orleans Hotel Rooms

I was full, happy and ready for some sleep. I opened my HotelTonight app and immediately found an Uptown New Orleans hotel room. I couldn't wait to get into my comfortable bed and dream about the day I had just enjoyed.