Sheraton Orlando North

Sheraton Orlando North

4.697 giudizi
Orlando - Downtown

Why We Like It

  • Tucked inside the Maitland Center corporate park, landscaping is business in the front (oaks!), party in the back (palms!).
  • The Irish pub’s so authentic, you’ll be tempted to start fiddling or step-dancing or something.
  • Perks include a resort-style pool and hot tub, 24/7 fitness center.

Why Book With Us


113 USD

149 USD

Tariffa, ultima verifica meno di 1 ora fa.


The Hotel

Complimentary WiFi.
24-hour fitness center with cardio and weight equipment.
Complimentary access to offsite gym.
Outdoor pool.
Self-parking $20/night.
389 rooms.
Hot tub.

The Room

Air conditioning.
Room approximately 363 sq ft.
55" flat-screen TV.
Hair dryer.
Carbon monoxide detector.
Smoke detector.

The Food & Drink

An Tobar serves regional cuisine.
Drinks served at 1904.

Need to Know

  • Check-in 3pm. Check-out 12pm.
  • Photo ID and credit card required at check-in.
  • 100% non-smoking rooms.
  • 21+ to book.

Piaciuto al 92% degli utenti

4.692 giudizi

ABAmber B.Perks 4
Wayyyyy nicer than I expected! Easy location. Great rooms!!!! Very clean.
1 settimana fa
BGBabua G.Perks 15
excellent staff great teamwork very polite to customers and good facilities on site
1 mese fa
SBSaro B.Perks 3
The hotel has rooms that are updated and rooms that are not updated, dark, gloomy, and frankly kind of gross. They booked me in one of the non updated rooms. Nor the best experience
2 settimane fa

Reviews are from actual guests but are not verified for accuracy.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Rate displayed is per night, per room. Each room is guaranteed to fit 2 people. Extra guests are at the hotel’s discretion and may be subject to additional fees.
  • This room may not meet your accessibility needs. Accessibility requests can be made directly to the hotel, and are subject to hotel approval and availability.

Il tuo soggiorno

lun 24 mar
mar 25 mar
lun 24 mar – mar 25 mar
113 USD