Red Roof Inn College Station

Red Roof Inn College Station

145 giudizi
College Station

Why We Like It

  • Free WiFi? You know it.
  • Good news for pet people: you can bring yours along.


The Hotel

Complimentary WiFi.
Outdoor pool open seasonally, May-Sep.
Complimentary self-parking.
114 rooms.

The Room

Pets OK under 80 lbs, no fee.
Room approximately 280 sq ft.
32" flat-screen TV.

The Food & Drink

No food or beverage options at the hotel.

Need to Know

  • Check-in 3pm. Check-out 11am.
  • Photo ID and credit card required at check-in.
  • This hotel has smoking and non-smoking rooms. In rare cases, the hotel may not have both options available.
  • 18+ to book.
  • Some guests have reported that the hotel can get noisy.
  • This location requires a $50 refundable deposit for incidentals on all reservations.

Piaciuto al 75% degli utenti

145 giudizi

CRChristopher R.Perks 3
Greatest option for the value .....a 2 star that is more like a 3 star....a 10 star, in my mind, because of the staff!!!!! You would be foolish not to take my advice and recomendation.
2 anni fa
MDMichael D.Perks 2
Phone didn’t work. Clock was not plugged in. Outlet behind bed to plug clock in was nearly impossible to reach. TV remote volume and guide did not work. Toilet would refill every 5 minutes.
1 anno fa

Reviews are from actual guests but are not verified for accuracy.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Rate displayed is per night, per room. Each room is guaranteed to fit 2 people. Extra guests are at the hotel’s discretion and may be subject to additional fees.
  • This room may not meet your accessibility needs. Accessibility requests can be made directly to the hotel, and are subject to hotel approval and availability.

Il tuo soggiorno

mer 12 mar
gio 13 mar
mer 12 mar – gio 13 mar