Hotel St. Pierre

Hotel St. Pierre

1.613 giudizi
New Orleans - French Quarter

Why We Like It

  • A gorgeous historic facade, but the 21st-century is alive and well inside with modern amenities like flat-screen TVs.
  • Perfect location in the heart of the French Quarter, just a short stroll from the iconic Bourbon Street.
  • Tons of stellar nearby eateries to choose from – decide what you're craving and use the free WiFi to research the best local spots.


The Hotel

Complimentary WiFi.
Self-parking $45.90/night.
79 rooms.

The Room

Air conditioning.
Pets OK, $45 flat fee.
Room approximately 175 sq ft.
32" flat-screen TV.
Carbon monoxide detector.
Smoke detector.

The Food & Drink

No food or beverage options at the hotel.

Need to Know

  • Check-in 4pm. Check-out 11am.
  • Photo ID and credit card required at check-in.
  • 100% non-smoking rooms.
  • Service fee of $10.92 per night per room collected by hotel.
  • 18+ to book.

Piaciuto al 86% degli utenti

1.613 giudizi

JBJason B.Perks 5
Very Spartan, but if that's what you're good with, it's a great location. Very retro in that they still use actual keys!
1 anno fa
BJBrandon J.Perks 11
GREAT ROOM & LOCATION ! staff was excellent as well melissa = 🐐
1 anno fa
BDBruno D.Perks 4
Problems with the AC and mold during the hottest month of the year.
1 anno fa

Reviews are from actual guests but are not verified for accuracy.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Rate displayed is per night, per room. Each room is guaranteed to fit 2 people. Extra guests are at the hotel’s discretion and may be subject to additional fees.
  • Parking is $45+tax/day during special events. Vehicles are taken to an offsite location, so the hotel asks for 1-hour notice before you need your vehicle. In and out access may be limited late at night and during special events.
  • This room may not meet your accessibility needs. Accessibility requests can be made directly to the hotel, and are subject to hotel approval and availability.

Il tuo soggiorno

mer 12 mar
gio 13 mar
mer 12 mar – gio 13 mar