Fairfield Inn DC Downtown

Fairfield Inn DC Downtown

1.220 giudizi
DC - Downtown / Dupont

Why We Like It

  • Bright, modern design is inviting, vibrant and full of character.
  • Drink up and chow down at The Irish Channel, a family-owned joint serving up authentic Irish deliciousness.
  • Trifecta of freebies: breakfast, WiFi and coffee & tea in the lobby.

Why Book With Us


240 USD


359 USD

Tariffa Booking.com, ultima verifica 5 ore fa.


The Hotel

Complimentary WiFi.
24-hour fitness center with cardio and weight equipment.
Valet parking $52/night.
198 rooms.

The Room

Dogs OK, $75/night and $75 refundable deposit.
Room approximately 273 sq ft.
55" flat-screen TV.

The Food & Drink

The Irish Channel serves casual cuisine, main courses $15-30.
Drinks served at The Irish Channel.
Complimentary continental breakfast available.
Room service available.

Need to Know

  • Check-in 3pm. Check-out 12pm.
  • Photo ID and credit card required at check-in.
  • 100% non-smoking rooms.
  • 21+ to book.

Piaciuto al 90% degli utenti

1.220 giudizi

sZSihua Z.Perks 2
good location near Chinatown. no mini fridge in room . good breakfast
1 anno fa
JMJulian M.Perks 8
Perfect location for a concert at Capital One arena!
1 anno fa
RRRue R.Perks 2
As I was leaving I saw that my bed spread was dirty standing water in tub I had to clean out I did take pictures of needed
1 anno fa

Reviews are from actual guests but are not verified for accuracy.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Rate displayed is per night, per room. Each room is guaranteed to fit 2 people. Extra guests are at the hotel’s discretion and may be subject to additional fees.
  • The hotel does not accept check-in's after 2 am from the previous day.
  • This room may not meet your accessibility needs. Accessibility requests can be made directly to the hotel, and are subject to hotel approval and availability.

Il tuo soggiorno

lun 3 mar
mar 4 mar
lun 3 mar – mar 4 mar
240 USD