Aloft Philadelphia Downtown

Aloft Philadelphia Downtown

765 giudizi
Philadelphia - Center City

Why We Like It

  • Boasts cool perks like a bank-vault-turned-gym, vibe-y W XYZ bar & a hangout-worthy lounge.
  • The building’s been around since the Roaring Twenties, so obvi there’s character aplenty here (infused with on-trend modern decor, natch).
  • Surrounding area boasts historic biggies like Independence Hall or Reading Terminal Market (around since 1892!).


The Hotel

Complimentary WiFi.
24-hour fitness center with cardio and weight equipment.
179 rooms.
Rooftop deck.

The Room

Pets OK under 40 lbs, no fee.
Room approximately 250 sq ft.
42" flat-screen TV.
Bath products by Bliss.

The Food & Drink

Drinks served at W XYZ.

Need to Know

  • Check-in 3pm. Check-out 11am.
  • Photo ID and credit card required at check-in.
  • 100% non-smoking rooms.
  • 21+ to book.

Piaciuto al 91% degli utenti

764 giudizi

BSBrian S.Perks 3
Basic hotel in need of more detailed cleaning and overall maintenance. Location is excellent, staff is friendly and helpful.
1 mese fa
ARAlexia R.Perks 2
kitchen was closed because the chef wasn't available
1 anno fa
HFHarvey F.Perks 12
I am beyond frustrated and underwhelmed. I made reservation using ApplePay but was unable to pay for incidentals using the same exact method of payment. I was stunned. I cannot recommend this hotel.
1 anno fa

Reviews are from actual guests but are not verified for accuracy.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Rate displayed is per night, per room. Each room is guaranteed to fit 2 people. Extra guests are at the hotel’s discretion and may be subject to additional fees.
  • This room may not meet your accessibility needs. Accessibility requests can be made directly to the hotel, and are subject to hotel approval and availability.

Il tuo soggiorno

lun 24 mar
mar 25 mar
lun 24 mar – mar 25 mar
164 USD