Relaxing space with an indoor pool and hot tub, plus a deck with more fun and games.
The Hotel
Complimentary WiFi.
24-hour fitness center with cardio and weight equipment.
Indoor pool.
Complimentary self-parking.
106 rooms.
Hot tub.
Game room.
The Room
Pets OK under 20 lbs, $20/night and $200 refundable deposit.
Room approximately 289 sq ft.
Bath products by Pharmacopia.
The Food & Drink
Complimentary hot breakfast available.
Need to Know
Check-in 3pm. Check-out 11am.
Photo ID and credit card required at check-in.
100% non-smoking rooms.
21+ to book.
94% of Bookers Liked It
489 Ratings
RRRaul R.Perks 3
Actually had a very nice Jacuzzi and pool area. Very nice surprise.
1 year ago
COColin r O.Perks 2
Wonderful hotel and friendly staff. Great complimentary breakfast spread. Very impressed!
1 year ago
Reviews are from actual guests but are not verified for accuracy.
Things to Keep in Mind
Rate displayed is per night, per room. Each room is guaranteed to fit 2 people. Extra guests are at the hotel’s discretion and may be subject to additional fees.
This room may not meet your accessibility needs. Accessibility requests can be made directly to the hotel, and are subject to hotel approval and availability.